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Arlene Washburn

National Matchmaker's Day Wrap-Up and Big Announcement

A Talk by Arlene Washburn (Founder & CEO, AVConnexions, LLC)

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About this Talk

Join Arlene as she reflects on the incredible insights, stories, and connections shared throughout this celebration. We'll take a moment to honor the art of matchmaking and its profound impact on bringing souls together.

But hold on to your excitement because she has a BIG announcement that's going to leave you buzzing with anticipation! 🌟 We can't wait for Arlene to unveil something truly special that's been in the works, and I promise it will elevate your journey in the world of matchmaking and relationships.

August 31, 2023, 11:00 PM

11:00 PM - 12:00 AM

About The Speakers

Arlene Washburn

Arlene Washburn

Founder & CEO, AVConnexions, LLC

CEO, AVConnexions

Arlene Washburn

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